Calvary Houston is a thriving non-denominational church located in Friendswood, Texas.

Pastored by Ron Hindt for 25+ years, our vision is to WORSHIP the Lord, WIN the lost, DISCIPLE the saints, and SEND them out into the world with the love of Christ.

We believe it is the job of the church to feed the sheep. Healthy sheep beget more healthy sheep.

We teach through the Bible line upon line, precept upon precept, in order that the church might grow up into maturity and affect the world around us.

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Momentum - The Book of Acts

The Book of Philippians: Unstoppable Joy

As we look at our world today there is very little joy. Most people fight despair, depression and dissatisfaction. Hopelessness and loneliness seem to be the norm for the day with only brief times of happiness. However, when a person comes to Christ, joy becomes an essential part of their life. In fact, as the Apostle Paul writes this letter he is a Roman prisoner, yet he refers to the words joy and rejoicing sixteen times in this brief letter.

This book is all about the joy you and I possess as believers, even when we find ourselves in severe trials and the world is falling apart around us. May you experience God’s “Unstoppable Joy” in your life as you put into practice the spiritual principles found in the book of Philippians.

Check out this video on the Book of Philippians.

YOU’RE INVITED! Sunday mornings at 9:00 & 11:00 in the Main Sanctuary.


The Book of Romans

Anchor - The Book of Hebrews

We can’t be certain who wrote the book of Hebrews, yet most believe the Apostle Paul did. We do know that it was written to Hebrew believers. Specifically, it was written to those who were being tempted to fall back into relying on the sacrifices and offerings of the old covenant.

The book of Hebrews addresses the danger of turning away from Jesus Christ and trying to find salvation under the Jewish religious system. The author makes it clear that there is no other sacrifice that can save us or sustain us other than Christ’s once and for all sacrifice for our sin at the cross. Christ alone is our “Anchor.”

Check out this video on the Book of Hebrews.

YOU’RE INVITED! Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.


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