Men's Ministry

The Men’s Ministry is dedicated to glorifying God by providing sound Bible teaching, equipping men with faith that works in real life, and sending them equipped to service their communities, families, and church in Jesus’ name.


Our aim is to be men of strong character, building lasting relationships with God and each other while reaching the lost for Christ.


Studying the Word is vital to living a life holy and acceptable to God. We encourage men of all ages and boys at least 10 years of age to attend our monthly Men’s Bible Study.


A new Men’s Bible study series coming in January 2025, “Be Strong and Courageous” as the Lord God commands in Joshua 1:9.


Additionally, the Men’s Ministry Annual Conference, which will be September 13, 2025, and other events throughout the year, provide more opportunities to fellowship, to grow in faith together, as well as, learn more about Jesus and worship Him together.


For more information, send an email to: .