Dear Calvary family,
It has been several years since we began our Sunday afternoon prayer services and we have seen God move in miraculous ways in our church and in our community.
E.M. Bounds said, “Talking to men about God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still.”
I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord has for us this next year as we seek His direction for all that we do as a body of believers.
A church without prayer is a powerless church. It may be filled with a lot of activity and noise, but it will be far removed from Him who strengthens and guides His bride.
I am so thankful for what God has done so far, and I am looking forward to and anticipating even greater works as we come before Him in prayer.
The services are one hour in length from 2:00 – 3:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall every Sunday afternoon.
Child care is provided. Older kids are welcome to pray with us.
I hope to see you as we seek to put God first in all things!
In Calvary love,
Ron Hindt