CHC Homeschool Co-op is a cooperative of homeschooling Christian families and is a ministry of Calvary Houston. We are designed to be a support and supplement to homeschooling families through prayer, fellowship, and by offering diverse class options.
Grade Levels
Classes are offered for kindergarten to 12th grade. Infant and Pre-K classes are available for the younger siblings.
Location & Times
We will meet at Calvary Houston from 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. each Monday from August through May. The academic year will last 32 weeks.
Parent Role
At least one member of the family (mom/dad/guardian) must volunteer their time by either teaching a class (either a core or elective class) or helping in the class.
Teacher Role
As a teacher, you will be able to help relieve some of the parental teaching. The students will reap the rewards of your talent and teaching in a particular subject that their own parent may not feel able to give or teach. Please Note: It will be the parent who will hold the responsibility to control and guide their child’s education. The student’s academic success does not fall on the teacher.
The annual registration fee is $200 per family. The class fees will vary by class. All academic classes will have book requirements and fees.
Complete the Online Registration by clicking on the button below and someone from the church office will contact you.
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with My loving eye on you.”
Psalm 32:8