“Success in marriage is not finding the right person; it is being the right person.”
A Christian marriage is an illustration to the world of what Christ is to His bride, the church. This ministry is to provide the knowledge and encouragement needed to fulfill our roles as husband and wife according to God’s design for marriage.
We offer classes that teach God’s divine plan for marriage. God’s Word has all the instructions necessary to develop a loving relationship that will last. No matter how long you have been married, this class will challenge you to become a better spouse. It will make a good marriage better and can heal a hurting marriage. Sign up to attend a class and allow God to make your marriage a blessing to Him and to your spouse.
There may be times when trials and conflicts arise that you just can’t seem to resolve. We offer limited marriage counseling based solely on the Word of God (typically 1-2 sessions at most). As children of God, we must be willing to submit to and obey our Father. From the smallest conflict to the seemingly impossible situation, God has the answer and longs to restore the love, respect, and joy in marriage. Call the church office to make an appointment.
Game Night
Do you do fun things together? We schedule game nights for married couples through the year just to play games and enjoy fellowship with other Christian couples. Watch the bulletin for dates and times. Child care is provided.
Other Events
From time to time we will offer a couple’s retreats, marriage conferences, and other special events. These events will be announced throughout the year.
For further information or if you need marriage or family counseling please contact the church office at (281) 648-5800.