Thank you so much for your faithfulness and support of the work the Lord is doing at Calvary Houston! For the 2024 tax year, your Contribution Statement is now available online from Calvary Connect and may be downloaded and printed.
Many of you have already received an email with instructions on how to print a copy of your contribution statement online. If you DID NOT receive an email and would like your 2024 contribution record, please review the two options below.
Select this option if you have already registered in Calvary Connect and you know your username and password. If you’ve already signed up, but do not remember your username and password, there’s a “forgot username and password” link. Click the link and follow the prompts to sign in. Once you sign into Calvary Connect you will see instructions on how to get your statement.
Select this option if you have not registered in Calvary Connect. You will be guided through the sign up process. Once you are registered in the system, you can logon by clicking the “I have registered & want the form!” button (above). Once you sign into Calvary Connect you will see some instructions on how to get your statement.
Please note that if you do not have access to printing your statement online you can pick up a form at the Connection Center in the Lobby. Just complete the form and place it in an offering box. A copy of your statement will be emailed or mailed to you.
Again, thanks so much for your generous support! For any other questions, please contact the church office at 281-648-5800.